New year, new website, new me. Looking for my music? It's at a new website!

Curtain Lorimer

Curtain Lorimer

Cool Stuff
Web Development

An incubator for new and collaborative ideas.

A japanese maple tree set against a blue sky.

Curtain Lorimer creates new and innovative ideas. What does that mean?

It means stuff like this.

Here's a Minute Here's a Minute logo Some Music Makers Here's a Minute logo

Not everything is a solo project.

I’m only one person. And as much as I’d love to try to do everything, it’s completely impossible to do everything. (Just working on this website is tiring!)

That’s why I started this - because I want to try and bring that energy of “Let’s do something weird, and cool, and whatever” to more people.

Curtain Lorimer isn’t a company. It’s a little thing I’m using to incubate new ideas from like-minded people, where we all help each other build our projects. Everyone brings something different to the table - but when we all team up, we can make truly amazing stuff happen.